Ellen MacArthur Foundation launches Circulytics

by | Jan 15, 2020 | 0 comments

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation launched Circulytics, the digital measuring tool which gives companies a fully comprehensive picture of their circularity across all operations.

Going way beyond simply measuring products and material flows, Circulytics has arrived at a crucial time, Ellen MacArthur Foundation stated. Companies around the globe are adopting the circular economy as an opportunity to create thriving businesses that meet the challenges of global issues such as climate change and pollution.

Using company-level data, with applied insights and analysis from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Data and Metrics team, Circulytics highlights and inspires opportunities for innovation, while allowing companies to track their progress.

Developed and tested by more than 30 companies from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s network, Circulytics informs strategy, allows users to see where they lie in relation to their industry, and provides quick understanding for those actively moving away from the current ‘take, make, waste’ linear economy.

Providing the option to have informed interactions about circular economy adoption should businesses wish to do so with investors and customers – the Foundation also plans to engage with companies that stand out on an element of Circulytics to create case studies.

Circulytics is a freely available resource from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

For more information, please visit the Circulytics website.

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