70,000 votes cast and you broke our server – again!

by | Jan 20, 2020 | 0 comments

The third Monday of January is called Blue Monday because it is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year. Pseudoscience or not, one of our web servers went down very early this morning and we also had a short power outage and the alarm company called at 5am to tell me the power was out…

You broke the server – really you did, over the last few days around 20,000 votes were cast and according to our web guru, the voting consumed the allocated memory, and so the server shut itself down. Excuse me if that is not technically correct, it was 5.30 in the morning and I had not had my first cup of coffee.

Anyway, a big thank you for voting, The Recycler Awards recipients are nominated by you, to recognise companies’ and individuals’ excellence and innovation and are really making a difference to the office imaging industry. Winners are selected by you in a public vote and winning an award will put you amongst the most highly-regarded names; reflecting your endeavours and achievements in the industry.

Voting is still open, but closes at midnight on 25 January 2020, and you can vote – and see the nominees for all of the awards categories here.

Remanexpo / Paperworld 2020 will run from 25 – 28 January 2020 in Hall 6.1 at Messe Frankfurt, and will also feature the popular The Recycler Live seminar programme, which you can read about here. To find out more about the show, see a full list of exhibitors, and buy tickets, visit our website here.

Categories: World Focus

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