HOP receives official accreditation

by | Sep 17, 2021 | 0 comments

The Ministry of Ecological Transition has granted the approval of an environmental protection association within the national framework to HOP (Halte à l’Obsolescence Programmée).

HOP welcomes this decision, which recognises the association’s work and entitles it to new competences, in particular in legal proceedings and participation in advisory bodies. In addition to increased participation in the development of environmental and sustainable development policies, HOP will now be able to bring actions before administrative courts, file a civil action for acts causing prejudice to the collective interests it defends, or take class actions.

For the HOP association, with a community of about 60,000 people, more than 600 members and a permanent team of five people and volunteers, this is a new step. Accreditation will help HOP to weigh even more heavily in the public debate and to better support consumers in defending their rights.

Laetitia Vasseur, Co-Founder and General Delegate, is delighted: “This approval is the result of six years of work to protect the environment and unprecedented citizen mobilization in favor of extending the life of products.”

To its credit, HOP has managed to impose a fine of €25 million ($29.46 million) on Apple for misleading commercial practice, obtained new mandatory repairability and sustainability indices as well as a repair fund, boosted a Club of more than 25 companies committed to sustainability, published nine reports or sensitised thousands of people at conferences or events. HOP said its institutional recognition is also a sign of a global awareness of the challenges of product sustainability and planned obsolescence.



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