Allen Westerfield retires

by | Jan 10, 2022 | 0 comments

As 2022 opens up, the ISC moves forward without the industry veteran, Allen Westerfield at the helm, as he charts a new course for retirement.

After 40 years with IBM and Lexmark, followed by 15 years as President of the Imaging Supplies Coalition (ISC), Allen Westerfield retired at the end of December 2021.

In his email to the trade media, Westerfield said, “I want to thank my many friends and colleagues who have helped me on the wonderful journey I have experienced. Along the way I hope I have been able to make a difference to the industry and to the people I have worked with.”

David Connett, the former editor and publisher of The Recycler, said, “Allen took over the ISC when there was no love lost between the OEM and aftermarket community. Indeed, some in the aftermarket thought that Allen’s Lexmark connections were a hindrance. At the time, Lexmark was considered by the aftermarket to be the biggest baddest OEM in the market. That title went to another OEM some time ago.

But things changed, and Allen was at the heart of the change. He did this by clearly protecting the OEMs. But at the same time, he reached out to the aftermarket to talk about the issues and came to understand that not every remanufacturer was a counterfeiter. Indeed, many counterfeit successes often originated from and aftermarket tip-off. I suspect today part of the Lexmark journey has been informed, in some small way by Allen.”

Everyone at The Recycler wishes you fair winds and a fantastic retirement.

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