The Recycler Live: Not quite the Oscars

by | Apr 20, 2022 | 0 comments

The Recycler is pleased to announce that The Recycler Awards 2022 will take place next month and that Speed Infotech will be our Awards sponsor of The Recycler Live – Prague conference that returns next month on the 19-20 May at the Holiday Inn, Prague Convention Centre.

After a two year gap, we are pleased to announce that The Recycler Awards 2022 will take place again next month and that Speed Infotech will be our Awards sponsor where the winners the presentations at winners will be announced, and the awards presented at The Recycler Live – Awards Dinner on Thursday 19th May as part of The Recycler Live conference 19-20 May at the Holiday Inn, Prague Convention Centre.

The Recycler’s Editor and Publisher, Stefanie Unland, said “The Recycler Live – Awards recognise and honour the achievements of companies and individuals across the office imaging sector. It is The Recycler audience that both nominates and votes for the winners. A definite vote of confidence and acknowledgement by your industry peers. The new awards seek to recognise the growth in recent years of the reseller and collector channels and the increasing contribution that effective marketing brings to the office imaging sector, and we are pleased to have Speed Infotech as our awards sponsor.”

Not quite the Oscars, nominations for The Recycler Awards will open shortly, and voting will begin early next month with the winners the presentations at winners will be announced, and the awards presented at The Recycler Live – Awards Dinner.

We want to bring as many people as we can together to share insights and new opportunities that start with a conversation over coffee, lunch, a beer, or dinner. It’s just how we do business, and The Recycler Live is the place to network, learn and do business.”

The Recycler Live – Prague conference, in partnership with ETIRA, returns next month on the 19-20 May at the Holiday Inn, Prague Convention Centre.

We kick off the conference with a Pitch up and ask us anything session on Thursday 19th May where we focus on any office imaging topic. The concept is simple. Participants will have the opportunity to pitch up and ask us (our panel) anything and get valuable feedback about anything about office imaging. 

Then our seminar sessions will follow a “Briefing you up to date” theme of up-to-the-minute insights into today’s most critical issues and what’s just around the corner. We are putting together a wide-ranging programme that encompasses as much of the market as possible. From the future of work to reuse, the OEM landscape, Brussels politics and legislation, technology, how the market has adapted, new trends in MPS and managed IT.

That’s not all: The recent news that the European Union has rejected the proposed Voluntary Agreement for imaging equipment in favour of introducing legislation will bring about a monumental change in our market over the coming years. Akin to the 1990’s changes in the European motor industry and will affect everyone. 

Time to talk – ahead of any legislation emerging, now is probably the best time for all sectors of the industry to open a dialogue to help shape future legislation that works best for consumers and sustainability and, ultimately, will be best for all market players.

Invitation – Let’s start a dialogue if you are in the imaging market as an OEM, new build producer or reuse, reseller, collector, supplier, reseller. Let’s get together at The Recycler Live – Prague conference and at least start to identify issues that need to be tackled so that we can positively contribute to the legislation.

“Speed Infotech is a leading, quality-focused manufacturer of recycled inkjet and toner cartridges for all popular makes and models of printers. With a solid reputation as a reliable and innovative manufacturer, supplying major wholesalers and distributors throughout the world our high-quality products at competitive prices.  We are pleased to welcome their perspectives, input and sponsorship of the conference,” commented Stefanie Unland.

Categories: World Focus

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