24/7 ink with INK BOX

by | Apr 21, 2022 | 0 comments

An innovative way of making ink cartridges available 24/7 has arrived in Wisconsin.

Bill Zimmermann, who owns Office Outfitters in Waupaca, has spoken to Spectrum News 1 about his growing INK BOX business of ink cartridge vending machines.

Coming from an idea a few years ago, Zimmermann came up with the idea to make it easier to purchase ink cartridges in the Wisconsin area where there are several locations that have no longer got retail offerings. The four vending machines are located in those areas where customers would need to either rely on purchases online or have a long drive to a supplier.

“We put these machines in underserved communities where there just isn’t enough retail, where customers need ink cartridges but the only way to get them is on the internet or a 45 of 60 minute drive,” Zimmermann told Spectrum News 1.

“During the pandemic, sales took off,” Zimmermann added. “Sales tripled and at that point we decided to take the leap and buy three more machines. We’re probably going to be buying some more shortly.”

Zimmermann estimates there is an opportunity for 25-30 more vending machines in a two hour radius in central Wisconsin. He is also considering the possibility of turning INK BOX into a franchising business.


Categories: World Focus

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