Denner Group

by | Oct 17, 2023 | 0 comments

The Denner Group, based in Laa/Thaya in Lower Austria, now specialises in a full 360° recycling solution for empty printer cartridges, following the aquisition of Environmental Business Products.

From the collection and refilling of empty inkjet and toner cartridges, to the shredding of any non-refillable empty cartridges, everything is now brought together under one roof.

The family business has now grown to 100 employees and collects over 500,000 empty inkjet and toner cartridges every month, which are refilled after inspection by trained specialists.

Toner cartridges that can no longer be refilled are disassembled into their individual components in a unique process at the site in Lower Austria.

The raw materials recovered from this, such as aluminium, iron and various plastics, end up back in the market to be used again, therefore significantly reducing the burden on the environment.


That’s because …


„What we do today determines what the world will look like tomorrow.“

Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


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