The British remanufacturer has been reflecting on its recent successful Print Security and GDPR Event, co-hosted with Ricoh and Nuance on 6 February 2018.
The event was tailored toward helping customers – both “old and new” – discover “how the latest security and workflow technologies can help organisations work smarter, protect their business in the future and improve their GDPR health.”
It was hosted by Ricoh in their London offices in Broadgate Tower, and delegates attended from a wide range of industry sectors, including Financial Services, Retail, Transport, Construction, Utilities, Manufacturing and NHS Trusts. Delegates stated that the event was “interesting, useful and helpful”, and as a result, “orders have been confirmed and future appointments made for in-depth consultation.”
Bill Forrest, M2’s IT Director, stated:
“The event demonstrated how M2, Ricoh and Nuance work collaboratively to help customers improve their GDPR health by supporting their print security, workflow and business process requirements.
“Ricoh set the scene, establishing the growing risk to organisations from Internet of Things and increase in online services and the link between GDPR, print and broader IT security issues.
“It was good to see a mix of delegates – new prospects and long-term customers – interested in how we can come together as trusted advisors to support the security agenda.
“I’d like thank Ricoh for hosting the event and Nuance for demonstrating their secure workflow tools.”
The event featured a Security & GDPR Seminar ‘Securing the Digital Workplace’ with a lens on industry trends and current business concerns from Ricoh Europe’s Mike Irvine, Vice President & General Manager, Software & European Programme Management.
Four technology discovery zones comprised sessions from Ricoh, Nuance and M2 experts in MPS, Print Security and Document Management, and there was a live demo on Unified Communications and Workplace Services from Condeco.
Peter Smith, Regional Sales Director at Ricoh UK, commented:
“Ricoh UK were delighted to host the Print Security & General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Event with M2 at our Broadgate Tower showroom in Central London.
“Ricoh offers a range of solutions based on our in-depth understanding of both general and industry-specific regulatory requirements. Working with M2 we were pleased to be able to demonstrate our collective expertise, to assist those attending the event how we can help both strengthen their internal governance processes and respond to compliance challenges.
“The event was well attended, with several business zones for customers to attend, which included a keynote presentation from our guest speaker, Mike Irvine CEng FBCS CITP, Vice President & General Manager, Ricoh Europe Software & European Programme Management, who also closed the event.”