Neighbours fume as printers clog Salem property

by | Mar 29, 2019 | 0 comments

(Credit: Boston 25 News)

Residents of Salem, in New Hampshire in the USA, are becoming increasingly frustrated by a man who has allowed boxes and boxes of printers to take over his yard.

As Boston 25 News reports, a neighbour of the homeowner in question revealed that the printers first began arriving “by the truckload” approximately a year ago, and now litter the “entire backyard.”

According to Salem’s chief building official, there used to be twice as much debris as there is now and the homeowner initially made efforts to tidy his property, though he has now stopped these efforts and the property is vacant.

Frustrated, the town filed a lawsuit against him in November 2018 in an attempt to force him to take action, but, so far, the lawsuit has had no such effect, and neighbours are “getting more upset.”

“It’s disgusting,” John Manning said. “My main concern is, this is a family neighbourhood right here. You have a lot of kids running around here. I personally have seen some rats over there. People who live up on the corner have rats over their house. They caught me yesterday, and that’s when I got upset.”

On 15 April, another court hearing in this case will take place; if the property has not been cleaned by then, Salem will “likely be forced to hire a company to clean up the mess” and a lien would be placed on the property to cover the cost of these tidying efforts.

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