Brother Group pledges carbon neutrality by 2050

by | Oct 6, 2021 | 0 comments

Brother Industries, Ltd. announced that it has revised its “Brother Group Environmental Vision 2050.”

First formulated in 2018, the environmental vision outlines the Group’s environmental goals for FY2050; the Group now seeks to further strengthen both its environmental initiatives and its environmental investments with the aim to achieve carbon neutrality in its business operations and minimise CO2 emissions from the entire value chain by FY2050.

In the “Brother Group Global Charter,” which is a foundation for all its activities, the Group committed to carrying out proactive and continued initiatives, ensuring all its business operations were environmentally friendly, with the aim of helping society develop in a sustainable manner. Also in 2018, in order to contribute to the resolution of global-scale environmental issues, the Brother Group formulated the “Brother Group Environmental Vision 2050,” which defined the Group’s long-term environmental goals as well as intermediate medium-term target for FY2030.

As a member of the Science Based Targets initiative, in 2018 the Brother Group set out science-based CO2 emissions reduction targets aimed at achieving the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius. Subsequently in 2020, the Brother Group expressed its support for the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), an international framework for examining how climate-related information should be disclosed.

The Brother Group wishes to further strengthen its initiatives to help society develop in a sustainable manner. To this end, it has revised its CO2 emissions reduction targets.

This time, the Group has revised its CO2 emissions targets as follows, with the aim of contributing to the creation of a decarbonised society: to reduce FY2015 levels of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 65% by FY2030; and to achieve carbon neutrality across all its business operations and minimise CO2 emissions across its entire value chain by FY2050.

The Brother Group said it will achieve carbon neutrality by FY2050 in a number of different ways: it will promote energy-saving activities at factories and other Group facilities across the world; it will carry out energy generation activities such as installing solar panels; and it will purchase CO2-free electricity.

To mark the completion of a new environmentally friendly office building to be constructed at Mizuho Factory, the Group’s Head Office is planning to achieve carbon neutrality by the end of FY2026 as a part of those activities.

The Group has made a decision to invest in a fund that is engaged in sustainable investing for the first time. A hydrogen transportation system demonstration toward the realisation of a hydrogen society is also being conducted at Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture, which has announced that it seeks to be a zero carbon city. To promote the above activities, it will establish a new Climate Change Response Strategy Department to promote strategic responses to climate change.

In order to achieve the goals outlined in its revised “Brother Group Environmental Vision 2050,” going forward the Brother Group said it will continue to strengthen its environmental initiatives.


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