Canadian cartridge store condemns OEMs

by | Nov 6, 2018 | 0 comments

MyPrinterShop has been openly condemning printer manufacturers for issuing “deceptive” firmware updates which block third-party cartridges.

As Digital Journal reports, Ariel Derhy, founder and CEO of the online printer ink and toner cartridge retailer, has been speaking out against the practice of OEM firmware updates, several of which have been hitting the headlines in recent months.

“It’s an underhand practice that takes the customer completely by surprise, and in many cases, leaves them out of pocket,” says Derhy. “It’s actually quite outrageous!”

Derhy explains that these firmware updates are sent by OEMs “in the guise of routine improvements or security updates”, when in fact, the purpose of the update is to cause the printer to reject aftermarket cartridges.

“Many people shop around for cheaper ink cartridges, because, quite frankly, the branded ones can cost a lot more,” he continued. “So people buy a third-party cartridge, and then are completely shocked to find out that their printer won’t work because it won’t accept the cartridge.”

MyPrinterShop decided to help customers solve the problem, with Derhy explaining that “we guarantee our cartridges against such updates.”

“In fact,” he went on, “all our orders are given a 12-month money-back guarantee, as well as a lifetime warranty. So you have absolutely nothing to worry about when you order from us!”

MyPrinterShop isn’t the only entity that has been condemning OEM firmware updates of late; earlier this year HP Australia became embroiled in a firmware controversy, and just last month EFF warned the Texan Office the Attorney General about similar upgrades from Epson which disable third-party cartridges “to the detriment of Texas consumers.”

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