Canon announced the successful resolution of the toner cartridge patent infringement lawsuits against Print-Rite in U.S. and Germany.
Canon Inc. announced that it and Print-Rite have agreed to resolve a lawsuit that Canon filed earlier this year in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware against Print-Rite Imaging Technology Inc. and Union Technology International (MCO) Co. Ltd. for infringement of Canon’s U.S. Patent No. 11,169,483, as well as a lawsuit that Canon filed on the same day in the District Court of Düsseldorf in Germany against Print-Rite Unicorn Image Products Co., Ltd. of Zhuhai, Union Technology International (MCO) Co., Ltd., and Unideatec S.a.s. for use of the German portion of Canon’s European Patent No. 3 470 931 B1.
To resolve the lawsuits, Print-Rite acknowledged its infringement of the asserted patents and agreed to pay Canon an undisclosed amount to compensate Canon for such infringement. Print-Rite also agreed to entry of a Consent Judgment and Permanent Injunction from the Delaware court and issuance of a Judgment of Acknowledgement from the Düsseldorf court acknowledging that all claims asserted by Canon are justified in whole.
As a result, Print-Rite is prohibited from making, using, selling, and offering for sale in the U.S. and Germany, and from importing into those countries, the HP-compatible toner cartridges that Canon accused of infringement, including but not limited to Print-Rite models CF248A and CF244A.