Issue 316 available online now!

Issue 316 available online now!

The 316th issue of The Recycler is now available online, packed with the latest industry news, innovations and tips. In this issue, our top story is Remanexpo 2019, the importance of the event to companies in the industry, the various glowing accolades...
LDZ celebrates 25 years in business

LDZ celebrates 25 years in business

LDZ GmbH has reached another milestone, celebrating a quarter-century in business since it was founded by Thomas Busch in 1994. Since its inception, the company has reported a number of achievements, including the creation of its “Green Cartridge” brand in 1995, its...
Stevie Award for Toshiba

Stevie Award for Toshiba

The OEM’s America Business Solutions (TABS) and Global Commerce Solutions (TGCS) divisions have won the 2018 Gold Stevie award for their collaboration in empowering partners and clients. The Stevie Awards recognise “outstanding performances in the workplace...
Epson unveils Phase 2 mid-range business plan

Epson unveils Phase 2 mid-range business plan

Seiko Epson Corporation has announced the establishment of the Epson 25 Phase 2 Mid-Range Business Plan, a three-year plan based on the Epson 25 Corporate Vision. As stated in the Epson 25 Corporate Vision, established in 2016, Epson says it envisions creating a new...
Progress in US-China trade negotiations

Progress in US-China trade negotiations

“Concrete progress” has been made on the text of the trade agreement being formulated between the two countries, according to Chinese state media. As the South China Morning Post reveals, a telephone conversation was held between Chinese Vice-Premier Liu He, US Trade...