CET is suing the Department of Homeland Security

by | Sep 17, 2019 | 0 comments

CET Group USA Inc is suing the Department of Homeland Security over the denial of a visa for one of its Chinese employees to work in the USA.

Trade tensions get personal?

Massachusetts based CET Group USA, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of CET Group Co., Ltd. of Beijing, China and sells copier and printer parts and consumables manufactured by its parent company in China. In March this year CET applied for a visa for a senior manager to work in their US subsidiary for an initial period of three years.

In June, 2019 the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services declined to grant the senior manager a visa to enter the USA to work in the CET subsidiary. The complaint alleges the visa denial was a breach under Section 101(a)(15)(L) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Recently China warned its tourists who are looking to travel to the US of harassment by US Officials in a travel alert issued by the country admits rising tensions in the trade war.

In a press conference on June 4, 2019,Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang said “… Chinese visitors have been interrogated, interviewed, and subjected to other forms of what it called harassment by US law enforcement agencies.”

In June The Recycler reported that the US government began to ask US visa applicants to provide social media account information. The Chinese Embassy in the United States once again reminded Chinese citizens who are going to the United States to abide by the relevant laws when applying for a visa, truthfully fill out the purpose of going to the United States, and truthfully provide the application materials.

EdOp: Is this just a case over too much bureaucracy or is it another dimension to the USA / China trade wars? Travel is the precursor to trade and from my experience the easier it is to travel, the easier it is to trade.

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