ECS discusses its complete sustainable solution

by | Jun 7, 2021 | 0 comments

In light of World Environment Day on 5th June, ECS reflected on how the company sees sustainability as one of their core driving factors behind the success of its business solutions over the past decade.

Before explaining their solutions, ECS’s Recycling Director, Adrian Lovatt, talked about what the importance is of World Environment Day to ECS and the industry.

Adrian said: “This day serves as a reminder that we cannot turn back time, but we can alter the future and in turn create more time for generations who are yet to come, but the world is currently standing at the crossroads. We’ve hit a critical point and an important moment of decision is required. Buying habits, manufacturing methods, packaging, end-of-life solutions and much more have to change, but people have to be willing to make that change, and while our own solutions and our own industry are but a small drop in the ocean, every little thing counts.”

ECS explained that the company is at the forefront of the campaign to encourage our industry to invest in remanufactured goods and services, be it their own award winning solution or somebody else’s, provided that the products are truly remanufactured. The companies EPRO range of remanufactured toners provide a completely sustainable remanufactured option without compromising on quality, performance or reliability, as well as offering one of the largest ranges of remanufactured toners available anywhere in the world.

Operations Director, Adam Lighton added: “Our EPRO remanufactured range of toners enable our partners to make a completely informed decision when using our solution. EPRO toners aren’t detrimental to the environment and follow ETIRA guidelines throughout their entire remanufacturing process.”

As for ECS The Greener Side, the companies award winning collection scheme…

The Greener Side is the companies award winning recycling scheme, which the company explained “is dedicated to improving the industries green credentials by providing an unrivalled service which companies can trust”, but also one which makes a visible difference by providing a fully comprehensive legal solution that removes waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).

Recycling Director, Adrian Lovatt, added: “The UK’s current recycling situation shouldn’t be overlooked. The impacts of covid can be seen across every industry in the UK, but that isn’t a reason for our recycling efforts to be neglected. Recycling remains an incredibly important sector for our country and those businesses who have both a moral and legal obligation to correctly recycle their WEEE waste, something all of our industry should now be doing.”

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