Effective marketing on a budget

by | Jun 7, 2018 | 0 comments

A recent Print Audit blog offers SMBs advice on how to develop an effective marketing strategy without breaking the bank.

Penned by West McDonald, the company’s Vice President of Business Development, the blog explains that there are “2 key areas” that traditional marketing plans focus on: advertising and promotion.

McDonald states that the “purpose of all advertising is to create brand awareness”, which is achieved by ensuring “that you get your name out there”, and then proceed to “establish influence and trust.”

He offers three ways to go about this.

1. Advertise in print

With studies indicating that advertising through print is still a highly effective way of promoting a business, Print Audit advises targeting your company’s audience by advertising in the appropriate trade magazines.

2. Making the most of digital advertising

While print advertising can be particularly efficient with tempting “older demographics”, digital advertising is the best way to win over younger generations, such as Millennials. McDonald advises, “You will want to ensure that you have a digital strategy to effectively reach those that do 90 percent of their research online.” This can be done through, for example, banner ads and targeted advertising using Facebook or LinkedIn.

3. Tap into the benefits of ‘content and social’

Despite the fact that content and social has risen to prominence in recent years, many businesses are not yet making the most of its potential as a solid marketing tool. McDonald urges organisations to make the most of the influence content and social can have, which can be achieved through a variety of formats, including blogs, videos, podcasts and eGuides.

When it comes to finding the right blend of these different marketing tools, the blog advises that a “good rule of thumb” is to consider the age of your target audience, and to survey your customers to find out what form of marketing works best.



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