Epson files two new patent infringement complaints

by | Apr 6, 2021 | 0 comments

Epson alleges that two companies and four individuals imported and sold ink cartridges that infringe Epson’s patents.

The first complaint was filed by Seiko Epson Corporation (Epson) and alleges that Oregon based E TOP, LLC., ; SHUPING HONG HURLEY, and XUMING HONG, have sold and imported ink cartridges that infringe Epson’s United States Patents. The patents in question are:

  • No. 6,955,422 (“the ‘422 patent”),
  • No. 8,794,749 (“the ‘749 patent”),
  • No. 8,454,116 (“the ‘116 patent”).

Epson filed the above complaint in the United States District Court for the District of Oregon Portland Division.

The second complaint was filed by Epson in the United States District Court Central District of California Western Division and alleges that Defendants VISION IMAGING SUPPLIES, INC.,; BERNARD KHACHI,  and RAYMOND KHACHI, imported and sold ink cartridges that infringe Epson’s United States Patent No. 8,454,116 (“the ‘116 patent”).

In both complaints, Epson claims that the defendants are wilful infringers of the Epson Patents and violators of the ITC’s general exclusion orders. Epson brings this action to recover money damages, for a preliminary and permanent injunction, and for other relief as set forth herein.

Epson demands a jury trial.

Categories: World Focus

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