Epson latest OEM to oppose US tariffs

by | Jun 17, 2019 | 0 comments

The Japanese company has been speaking out about the imposed US tariffs and that it is talking to the USTR to get projectors, large format printers, receipt printers and scanners removed from the list.

According to an article by Japan Today Epson America Inc. and several other Japanese giants like Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC and Mitsubishi Chemical Corp, have been speaking out about their opposition to the US tariffs on Chinese products.

Only last week, Konica Minolta joined Ricoh and other OEMs in moving production to avoid tariffs on its products supplied to their US customers.

The article by Japan Today reports that there is a hearing scheduled for next week by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) in regard to the proposed tariffs, here is where Epson says it wants to ask the USTR to remove projectors, large format printers, receipt printers and scanners form the list of products subject to tariffs.

In a recent statement, Epson said: “While Epson supports the initiatives of the administration and agrees with the need to address unfair trade policies and inadequate protection of intellectual property rights, imposing additional tariffs on these products would not be effective in obtaining the elimination of China’s acts, policies and practices. Instead, the tariffs will only impose additional burdens on U.S. business and consumers.”

The article added: “Epson is among more than 300 companies that will testify before the hearing, which will be held from Monday to next Friday, and also on June 24 and 25 at the U.S. International Trade Commission.”

Kodak and Fujifilm already moved for exclusion on the tariffs earlier this year as well as Ninestar stating in 2018 its products were exempt.

Categories: World Focus

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