European OEMs launch ‘Circular Planet’ recycling initiative with Close the Loop EU

by | Oct 31, 2023 | 0 comments

As ecodesign legislation looms, European printer OEMs unite for ‘Circular Planet,’ a multi-brand collection initiative led by Close the Loop EU. While exact details on reuse and recycling balance remain undisclosed, the programme promises to reshape printer cartridge sustainability upon its November 1st launch.

In anticipation of the upcoming ecodesign legislation, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) within the office printing industry have made a strategic move to create a pivotal multi-brand ‘Circular Planet,’ collection programme, as officially announced by Close the Loop EU via their social media channels.

Close the Loop EU has been selected to lead this ambitious endeavour. ‘Circular Planet’ is a collaborative effort aimed at initiating a the collection programme for used printer cartridges, with the ultimate goal of promoting product reusability and circularity.

In a statement, Close the Loop EU expressed their enthusiasm, stating, “We are delighted to announce our selection to spearhead the inaugural European industry take-back program, dedicated to fostering reusability and recycling!”

However, at this stage, no specific details regarding the balance between reuse and material recycling have been disclosed. As the ‘Circular Planet’ programme unfolds.  European remanufacturers are concerned this program could be a simple collect and shred operation, rather than a sustainable reuse strategy.

The ‘Circular Planet’ programme is scheduled for launch on November 1st.

Close the Loop manages similar initiatives in Australia and the United States, spanning the printing industry, retail (with a focus on soft plastics collection), and the cosmetics industry.

Categories: World Focus

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