A provisional agreement on a directive aimed at promoting the repair of broken or defective goods moves forward.
The Council of the European Union and the European Parliament have reached a provisional agreement on a directive aimed at promoting the repair of broken or defective goods, popularly known as the right-to-repair directive.
The new legislation will seek to facilitate consumers’ access to repair services, making it quicker, more transparent, and appealing to opt for repairs over replacements. It applies to a wide range of products and imposes an obligation on manufacturers to provide repair services.
Additionally, the directive aims to boost the repair sector, reduce waste, and encourage sustainable consumer behaviour by unifying the national repair information platforms into a European online platform, providing consumers with key data on the repair service and extending the liability period for sellers after a product repair.
This initiative represents a significant step towards a more sustainable and circular economy within the EU, prioritising the repair and reuse of goods to minimise environmental impact.
“With the agreement reached today, Europe makes a clear choice for repair instead of disposal. By facilitating the repair of defective goods, we not only give a new life to our products, but also create good quality jobs, reduce our waste, limit our dependency on foreign raw materials and protect our environment,” said Alexia Bertrand, Belgian State Secretary for the Budget and Consumer Protection, added to the Minister of Justice and of the North Sea.
The right-to-repair laws provide numerous benefits, including reducing waste by promoting the repair and reuse of products, lowering consumer costs by offering more repair options and extending product lifespan, supporting local economies through the growth of the repair sector, enhancing product sustainability, and contributing to environmental protection by reducing the need for new resources and decreasing electronic waste. These laws empower consumers, encourage sustainable practices, and aim to shift towards a more circular economy.
The right-to-repair laws can significantly benefit the reuse of office imaging consumables by making it easier and more cost-effective to repair and refurbish items like printer cartridges and toner modules. This extends the life of these products, reduces waste, and supports environmental sustainability. By ensuring access to repair information and spare parts, businesses can maintain and reuse their imaging consumables longer, leading to cost savings and a reduction in the environmental impact associated with the production and disposal of these items.
Both institutions must endorse and formally adopt the provisional agreement reached with the European Parliament.