Fire at Konica Minolta’s toner factory

by | Jul 7, 2021 | 0 comments

The company has made the announcement that around 6pm on 6 July a fire broke out at Konica Minolta Supplies Manufacturing Co., Ltd’s Tatsuno factory.

The factory is located in Tatsuno, Nagano Prefecture and produces toner for multi-functional peripherals (MFPs) and other equipment. It started operating in 2007 and employs 44 people.

Konica Minolta’s status report at 10pm on 6 July, said that an explosion was heard at 5.50pm and a fire was confirmed on one of the production lines was confirmed. Firefighters started to work on the fire by 6pm and were successful in extinguishing the fire by 8.40pm.

Konica Minolta said: “We would like to give our sincerest apologies to residents in neighbouring communities, relevant authorities and all those for the trouble.”

The physical damages on the facility are currently being assessed but Konica Minolta confirmed there were no casualties. The company added that authorities continue to investigate the cause of the fire.

Konica Minolta is still assessing the effects on production and shipment of products.

The company added: “The Konica Minolta Group sincerely addresses the incident and works on securing safety in the area. Cooperating with the local fire department, police department and relevant authorities, we will thoroughly investigate the cause and work to prevent the recurrence.”

Categories: World Focus

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