Frustrated from Switzerland…

by | Dec 22, 2021 | 0 comments

An HP printer user from Switzerland is the latest to experience firmware lockout of his HP 203 cartridges.

He wrote: “I am typing this from Switzerland.” Explaining that they “have been happily using non-HP cartridges in our MFP M281 printer for some time without problems. Suddenly, we have encountered an error message “Indicated cartridges blocked for containing a non-HP chip”.”

When the user complained to his supplier, they informed him that HP has recently done a software update which has triggered this block. The supplier received several similar complaints from their customers.

The Swiss user told The Recycler: “I am staggered that a reputable company like HP should try to force the consumer to buy only their own products which, like those of other large printer manufacturers, are grossly over-priced. I was interested to read your article saying that HP were fined €10 million in Italy for this practice. It looks like they haven’t learnt their lesson…”

Editor’s Opinion: Fortunately, Joe on our help desk was able to share a link on the Cartridge People website that had helped to reverse the update. But this is a regular contact we receive. The end result is a customer who has “already taken the decision to never buy HP products again”.

The good news is that the consumer intends to “contact the Swiss consumer federation to draw their attention to this abusive behaviour.” He also plans to write to HP – Good luck with that. [Ed]

Categories: World Focus

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