Germany: New WEEE rules

by | Sep 7, 2021 | 0 comments

Changes to Germany’s WEEE regulations will see stronger take back requirements.

The changes come into effect on the 1st January 2022 and among other changes there is a stronger take-back requirement.

Manufacturers with B2B customers will have to provide full information regarding their product take-back programme for all types of equipment that the manufacturer places on the market.

The take-back information should contain information for end users explaining how the take-back obligations are managed. The take-back concept is a mandatory requirement for the EAR Foundation to process registration applications from the 1st January 2022.

The take-back information must include the establishment and facilities for returned waste electrical equipment and the name and address of any third party service provider commissioned to take back returned waste on behalf of the manufacturer. The information also has to include details of how the B2B or B2C waste owner can access the return options.

Manufacturers will have until the 30th June 2022 to register their take-back information.

The European Union WEEE Directive is intended to ensure the proper disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment and the international framework conditions are implemented each European Union Member State through individual national solutions.

The costs of financing collection and recovery of WEEE are borne by the manufacturers and distributors of electrical/electronic equipment to ensure that the return of waste appliances is free of charge for end consumers.

In Germany, manufacturers, as defined by ElektroG, have to provide insolvency-proof guarantees for the take-back and disposal of the products distributed by them. You can find out more about Germany’s insolvency-proof guarantees here.

Categories: World Focus
Tags: B2B | B2C | Germany | WEEE

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