Fake customer reviews can mislead consumers into buying poor quality and even counterfeit products.
Last October, Amazon took action against fake customer reviews posted on its platforms, also calling for greater collaboration between the private and public sectors to better protect consumers.
Fake reviews can harm customers by misleading them into purchasing poor quality or even counterfeit products. Protecting customers and honest vendors from counterfeiting is a key objective of ICCE and its members. Consequently, ICCE very much welcomes Amazon’s measures against fake customer reviews.
Amazon has published an in-depth article in mid-June detailing its view on fake reviews and actions it takes to combat them. According to the article, the company invests significant resources to proactively stop fake reviews. As a result, it has blocked over 200 million suspected fake reviews from its stores in 2022. Amazon also plans to continue developing sophisticated tools that protect customers from bad actors.
ICCE said it greatly appreciates Amazon’s support and commitment to protecting consumers and businesses alike from counterfeiting. Earlier this year, ICCE member Brother had already teamed up with Amazon in a joint legal action against a major counterfeiting organisation operating out of Germany. This successful collaboration demonstrates the benefits of brands and online marketplaces working together to combat counterfeiting. ICCE and its members look forward to more joint initiatives in the future.
To steer clear of counterfeit imaging consumables, ICCE recommends buying only from trusted vendors and avoiding too-good-to-be-true offers. ICCE Said: “When shopping online, please be aware of additional tips and important red flags for suspicious online offers.”