Import printer accessories now via the Shopware plugin

by | Oct 13, 2020 | 0 comments

CosmoShop, a shop software manufacturer and shopware agency, has developed an interesting module for shopware for the “Printer & Supplies” industry.

Data maintenance for office machines and their corresponding supplies is time-consuming and expensive. Most leading providers and manufacturers are now making things easier for themselves by licensing the data from CosmoShop’s partner company Bechlem and thus always having up-to-date, high-quality master and link data available – a high competitive advantage in our digital age.

Bechlem is now adding something on top and providing all ShopWare shop operators with a free plug-in. This new plug-in means that all compatible printers for toner and ink cartridges can be conveniently found via an interface and displayed in the shop.

CosmoShop said that the shop operator can download the plug-in free of charge from the Shopware Store and install it in his Shopware Shop (Version5). The whole process should not take longer than five minutes. The dealer can then find out exactly which steps are required using the installation instructions supplied.

In order to provide the web shop with all the required data, an interface is set up in the background after the Shopware plug-in has been set up, to which Bechlem imports the licensed data.

The articles available in the shop (for supplies) are now enriched with additional attributes, images and compatibility data. When setting up and individualising the data, the retailer can also integrate own brands.

Martin Bechlem is pleased about the good cooperation with the shop software agency ‘CosmoShop’: “The newly created solution is technically mature and is being continuously developed. We are also very pleased with the constructive suggestions from CosmoShop. We will continuously develop the plugin for our customers and are already planning the development of a Shopware6 plugin for the year 2021 ”.

CosmoShop GmbH, based in Puchheim near Munich is the developer and manufacturer of the CosmoShop shop software. CosmoShop offers all services for online shop operators from a single source: from customising and design to hosting to marketing and comprehensive consulting services as well as SEO. CosmoShop is also a Shopware agency.

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