Konica Minolta launches Personalize app

by | Sep 1, 2020 | 0 comments

The company announced the Personalize app with Follow-You Persona Service, a solution that allows users to customise the MFP panel on i-Series devices according to their individual preferences and have their personalised user interface (UI) follow them to any supported device on a global scale.

Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. explained that in times of increasingly complex working environments, user experience is key for adopting technology. People need to be able to understand technology quickly and use it intuitively without the need for lengthy or extensive training. Users expect, for instance, a similar user experience to the one they know from their mobile phone. Its Personalize app specifically addresses this challenge, allowing employees to easily customise the MFP UI to match their own working behaviour and needs, decreasing the time they spend in front of their devices while increasing efficiency and operational cost savings.

“The enhanced features we offer through Personalize truly pave the way to the Intelligent Connected Workplace,” said Dino Pagliarello, Senior Vice President, Product Management and Planning. “Taking into consideration the fact that multifunctional devices can have multiple users, we designed an experience based on individual preferences and working behaviours.”

Konica Minolta’s new Personalize app allows users to create individual MFP UIs that are immediately accessible when they authenticate to the device. Features and functions frequently accessed can be moved to the front using drag-and-drop functionality, while features that are not used – or used infrequently – can be removed from view.

This allows more efficient operation of the MFP display, as the removal of unused functions causes less distraction for users, and faster access to frequently used functions means less time spent using the MFP in total, Konica Minolta said. Users can also select their individual preferred language in which all MFP functions are presented, a useful feature for organisations with employees from all over the world. And, to add even more of a personal touch, users can choose a custom background for their UIs, selecting from pre-loaded images or (coming shortly) from their own uploaded images.

Personalize’s Follow-You Persona allows the individual UI to follow each user to any supported device within an organisation upon authentication. With this unique service, users can have immediate access to their personalised UI wherever they go, with no additional set-up required. This cloud service also provides an easily accessible online admin portal for license and device management, making it easy for our customers to manage Personalize in their office.

While the Personalize app is free of charge, the Personalize Follow-You Service is available via subscription with three plans to support customers ranging from SMEs to the enterprise level: Starter, Business, and Enterprise. The Starter Plan is an introductory plan that offers basic Follow-You Persona features and is best suited for small business. With the Business Plan, customers benefit from all the features of the Starter Plan along with additional personalisation features for users. And the Enterprise Plan is an advanced plan that offers individualized support to give administrators more control.

Although these plans will be available on 1 December 2020 as chargeable plans, all Enterprise Plan features are available now through to 30 November 2020 as an extended free trial.

To access the free Personalize app, go to Konica Minolta’s Marketplace. Once the app has been installed, users can start the extended trial via the Personalize website.

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