Konica Minolta to establish Konica Minolta Publitech, Inc.

by | Oct 6, 2021 | 0 comments

Konica Minolta, Inc. announced that it is establishing Konica Minolta Publitech, Inc. (Konica Minolta Publitech), a new company that offers digital transformation (DX) services to local governments, to enhance and accelerate DX support for local governments.

Konica Minolta said it will establish the new company to cope with changes and enhance business agility, thereby offering services extensively to prefectural governments as well as basic local governments and accelerating the operational reform of local governments across Japan.

Konica Minolta has been working to streamline and standardise government jobs in collaboration with more than 80 local governments across Japan based on the BPR approach, which has been refined through many years of operations in the manufacturing industry, in anticipation of unification and standardisation of local governments’ backbone systems promoted by the Digital Agency, which was launched in September 2021.

The DX Support Platform for Local Governments, which Konica Minolta started to offer in July 2021, has been increasingly used by local governments across Japan. Unconventional collaboration between local governments has made it possible to share information and know-how, increase the efficiency of jobs by harnessing such information and know-how, and improve public services.

Konica Minolta Publitech will further upgrade and expand its services by enhancing collaboration with external partners to deploy the “publitech” business based on an open platform. Services offered by local governments are expected to be rapidly digitised with the establishment of the Digital Agency. It will offer various services to local governments across Japan and enhance community-based operation to meet the ever-growing needs of local governments for DX.

The company aims to deploy its business to 100 local governments during FY2021, and 1,000 by FY2023.

Categories: City News

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