Meet the $1.1 million combat printers

by | Jun 29, 2022 | 0 comments

Twelve printers to be exact, have been deployed to the US bases in Kuwait and are on the books at $1.1 million (€1.04 million) each.

The twelve combat printers were deployed to US bases in Kuwait but have no special skills or features that any other humble printer would have, other than their value.

According to a recent United States Defense Department Inspector General report, the twelve $1.1 million (€1.04 million) combat printers came out top of the list of 61 high value items that inspected and revealed that the printers were in fact just twelve ordinary printers that cost around $408 (€388) each.

During the audit a sample of the 61 highest dollar items was undertaken and the findings were that all 61 items had significant variances between the costs entered in the property records, and the actual values of the items.

Another chilling discovery was 17 refrigeration units worth $24,170 (€22,960) each were valued at  $652,606 (€619,925) per unit.

Our take on this: In a slow news day the pulse raced that an OEM had secretly developed a special ops printer with ninja skills to kill viruses, firmware updates and paper jams. Sadly, the truth is a little more mundane. Twelve ordinary printers that had been incorrectly valued. But hopefully it made you smile.

Categories: World Focus

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