Ninestar gives back

by | May 20, 2020 | 0 comments

The Recycler takes a look behind Ninestar’s corporate social responsibility programme that has raised millions for different projects.

In 2007 Ninestar and the China International Red Cross joined together to establish the first corporate-sponsored fund in China, the Ninestar Angel Love Fund, which devotes its resources to helping children in need who are suffering from leukaemia.

The funds are jointly managed by Ninestar and CRCF together, for the benefit of children living with leukaemia and are from poor families. The Ninestar Fund committee members visit the sick children and their families to hear about their difficulties and help them.

It is not just about the money, which is surely needed, but one of the key goals behind the Ninestar Angel Love Fund is to highlight the plight of children living with leukaemia.

As a leading company of the print consumables industry, Ninestar has donated a large amount of money to CRCF and founded the Ninestar Angel Love Fund, which it believes is the embodiment of high social responsibility. Ninestar will appeal to more international peers to contribute to the charity project and help the leukaemia kids in China. The idea behind the foundation of the Ninestar Angel Love Fund is not merely limited to donations, but to highlight the plight of the leukaemia kids.

In a 2018 report the World Health Organisation concluded “The rising rate of cancer in children worldwide is deeply concerning. There is ample evidence that both prenatal and childhood exposure to AAP is associated with increased risk of leukaemia and other cancers.”

In China there are at least 4,000,000 leukaemia patients, half of which are children and this number increases at the rate of 30,000 to 40,000 per year. Medical treatment is expensive and many families either cannot afford or have to abandon the treatment.

Fixing the desert
As early as in 2007, Ninestar joined the ten-year project plan of “100 Million Alxa Haloxylon Ammondendron” This project aims to plant 100 million haloxylon ammondendron in the Alxa area over 10 years to restore 2 million acres of vegetation, thereby improving the local ecological environment and curbing the trend of desertification. Meanwhile, the derivative economic value of these trees could also enhance the living standards of herdsmen there. Since March, 2017, Ninestar has helped to plant 29 thousand haloxylon ammondendron, covering up to 580 acres.

Three catastrophic earthquakes occurred in Sichuan and Qinghai provinces one after another in 2008, 2010 and 2013. In response, Ninestar raised a total charitable donation of 2.2 million CNY (€283 thousand / $310 thousand) for the earthquake-stricken area.

More recently
Last year Ninestar Angel Love Fund gave away a second grant of 1 million CNY (€129 thousand / $141 thousand) to support Red Cross in student assistance, serious disease relief, health intervention and environmental protection.

In Spain, the first G&G International Padel Tournament raised over €10,400 ($11,400) for the Children’s Oncology Unit of the Hospital of Alicante.

Ninestar also supported The Recycler’s former Editor and Publisher David Connett last year when he walked Scotland’s 154km West Highland Way to raise money for Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) the international medical humanitarian organisation that treats people where the need is greatest.

Supporting the courageous men and women standing tall in front of coronavirus catastrophe are millions of doctors, nurses, scientists and front-line workers all helping to rolling back the disease at the frontline.

Backing up these workers Ninestar Corporation proactively joined the silent fight. Overseas-based employees purchased 50 thousand medical disposable masks and 2.1 thousand N95 masks and brought them back in person to donate to hospitals in Hubei Province. Furthermore, the company donated nearly 300 Pantum printers were given away to Cantonese medical team who went to Hubei Province to support by an affiliated company of Ninestar.

It is all about our people
Corporate philanthropy is not just about a money or property donation. Successful altruism requires the support and participation of everyone. Customers and suppliers need to buy in and support programmes, but most of all it is the employees that deliver the shared value of giving.

For the last five years Ninestar employees combine personal exercise and philanthropy by participating in walking for the charity. In return the company pledges charitable donations on behalf of employees after they successfully participate in the charity walk.

The culture of giving back to the society is deeply rooted in Ninestar’s values. Only by holding goodwill and care for other fellow members in need could the corporate grow into a leading and reliable service provider for industry and all consumers.

Categories: World Focus

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