OWA Print Services explained

by | Apr 18, 2019 | 0 comments

Armor explains why and how its OWA Print Services and Managed Print Services are accessible to “all companies”.

The company explained: “Managed Print Services (MPS) is the future of office printing. But it is often inaccessible for small and medium-sized companies.”

In 2019 Armor is progressing into this market with its OWA Print Services, offering a new range of services with a high level of adaptability to the specific needs of individual companies.

“MPS is making great strides. It is predicted to grow by about 30 percent between 2017 and 2020. But many companies are still hesitating to make the move. Although delegating print services enables companies to pool issues relating to the supply of consumables and machine maintenance, it is sometimes viewed as something of a ‘luxury’ only feasible for large groups”, Armor continued.

The company describes that in practice, this type of contract is frequently based at the outset on full replacement of the fleet of printers. It is a real barrier, both economic and administrative, and with the negative ecological impact of scrapping fully-functional machines.

This is a point which the OWA Print Services offering is able to avoid. Highly sensitive to these very tangible realities faced by companies, especially small companies, OWA Print Services is seeking to offer them all the benefits of managed print services without forcing them to replace their machines.

Armor’s range of Services include “OWA PRINT ACCESS”, which is a monthly fixed fee covering printers, consumables and maintenance, tailored to the needs of small entities: very small businesses, tradespeople and independent professionals. The all-inclusive package also offers an online configurator (www.owa-print-access.com) to help the customer select their printing package in line with their own needs.

“OWA PRINT VALUE” is the option that immediately and simply opens up access to print services for SMEs. Adapted to the existing fleet of printers, this option includes automated consumables delivery and printer maintenance services, but retains invoicing based on cartridge consumption.

And finally, “OWA PRINT SERVICES” offers companies a comprehensive range of services. Because they are not forced to replace their printers, this complete delegation of printing management (consumables, maintenance and advice) enables all companies to immediately enter into a contract (cost per page) in order to rapidly reduce their printing costs (-30 percent on average) and to benefit from an optimum overview of their budgets.

Armor concludes: “Having adopted a novel market positioning vis-à-vis that of the printer manufacturers, and true to its fundamental commitment to the circular economy, Armor has set the tone for developing the MPS market. It is the company’s objective to stimulate real change in the business model of office printing.

Some twenty partner networks are already disseminating the OWA Print Services offering in France, recruiting new customers every day. At the same time, OWA Print Services is launching an offensive in northern Europe by establishing a sales representative in the Netherlands.”

For more information please visit https://fr.armor-owa.com/managed-print-services.

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