PAE Business has launched a simple appliance to host its data collection agent.
AR Data is designed to be an alternative hosting tool which allows for a constant connection between the customer’s network infrastructure and the Printanista Hub Cloud Service. Removing the traditional issues and disruptions associated with installing the Data Collection Agent onto a Server, PC, or laptop which could be subject to accidental uninstallation, loss of power, or removal of the host machine from the end-users network.
The AR Data box provides patented technology to enable copiers and printers to always report meters, toner levels or error codes by utilising a dedicated relay box and eliminating issues relating to offline sites or machines.
“The introduction of the AR Data Box is a major step toward a low-cost, maintenance free DCA host. The box comes pre-configured ready for deployment. Requiring minimum configuration, unlike many other small Linux based appliances, the AR Data box comes with an easy-to-use web interface…so no need to brush up on your Linux skills to get this one working! It is ideal for use on sites where installing a DCA in the traditional way could prove problematic. These are also small enough to hide away inside an MFD if needed, and once up and running, can be put into anti-tamper mode to avoid unwanted configuration changes on site, further minimising the potential for failure,” said Paul Donohue, Technical Director of PAE Business.
If you wish to find out more information about the PAE Business and AR Data, please visit