Paperworld 2021 Remanexpo Product Group: Call for papers  

by | Sep 15, 2020 | 0 comments

Office imaging industry professionals and experts are invited to share knowledge through a mixture of Live and prerecorded presentations that will be available throughout the show and online.

The Recycler is now accepting applications for new seminars and speakers for The Recycler Live 2021 events conference programme, the first of which to be held during Paperworld 30 Jan – 2 Feb 2021, in Frankfurt.

“Kickstart 2021”

2020 has been a challenge for everyone, no family, business, or nation has been left untouched by COVID-19. We are learning to live and work in a new era. Getting children back to school, reclaiming the kitchen table as we go back to work, a COVID-19 reset can help build a sustainable future. As we “Kickstart 2021” it is appropriate that our core theme for this year’s show is sustainability.

With a “Live” and global online audience “Kickstart 2021” at Paperworld is an ideal platform to share your fresh, sustainable perspectives, market insights and strategies, new technologies and products. Share what you and your business are doing now and what you think we could/should be doing as we go forward around our core perspectives and move forward into a new era.

“Kickstart 2021” will impart knowledge and information to the visitor and exhibitor business community at the show and around the world. 

Submissions with sustainability as a core theme relating to these perspectives are highly encouraged.

  • Business Perspectives – A series of presentations and workshops that take on board our new era and to impart new skills, knowledge and information to the audience. Topics from how to remanufacture a new product, overcome a technical issue, improve your social media footprint, to develop effective public relations strategies (PR) and maximising PR into your marketing programme. Social Media how-to guides and a lot more. 
  • Channel Perspectives – A focus on the commercial and legislative insights, the impact of COVID, WEEE, Clones, Take-Back, Collection programmes, IP issues, what’s happening in Brussels. 
  • Market Perspectives – Markets have changed and will continue to evolve. Our invited market watchers deliver a focus on the current market situation; future market issues and trends that may influence or impact on the sector. 
  • Personal Perspectives – What you think matters – People from across the sector who will share their perspectives in a series of informal live broadcast Q&A or round table style interviews.

Your presentation

Content must be exclusive to The Recycler Live, and topics should relate to the speaker’s area of expertise. To maintain the educational integrity of the conference programme, all seminars must be free of commercial content and specific product endorsements.

To submit your presentation, we need:

  1. Presentations should ideally be 10 to 20 minutes long.
  2. If you are submitting a prerecorded presentation, please contact for format details etc.
  3. If you wish to do a live presentation, please let us know which days you will be at the show so that we can coordinate the recording
  4. The title of your presentation
  5. A brief overview
  6. Your name, a short bio and a recent head and shoulders jpeg picture.

Email the above to The Recycler Live events team by 30th October at

Categories: World Focus

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