PCL Direct brings sustainable printing solutions to the 2024 MTV Awards at Manchester’s Coop Live Arena.
PCL Direct Group supported the 2024 MTV Awards, held the at Coop Live Arena, in Manchester, by providing 15 of their Eco-Direct branded multifunctional printer-copier-scanners in the build-up of the event and during the Awards Show.
The machines supplied are part of PCL Direct’s own brand range, called Eco Direct, made of recycled and re-engineered multifunctional printers (MFPs), produced at their remanufacturing operations in Nuneaton. The Eco Direct machines were installed behind the scenes, at the event, comprising nine A3 format full colour MFPs, complete with finishers, and six A4 format full colour MFPs.
They were installed in the media centre and various offices, in both the arena and the adjoining Tennis Centre, and were required to print off scripts, day-to-day communications and press information, even the Hair and Makeup team had an A4 colour MFP at their disposal, with around 90,000 prints and copies produced over the week.
PCL added that it supplied a dedicated senior technician to manage the installation and on-going maintenance of the machines, for the duration of the week-long build-up of the MTV Awards and on the day of the spectacular Awards ceremony itself. PCL added: “It was important that the build-up of the event ran smoothly and that the fast flow of celebrities. performers and crew, around the arena, as the big night approached, was unhindered by any delays that could be caused if crucial printed materials were not available when needed.”
Senior Technician, Darren Turner, is part of PCL Direct’s experienced technical team and responsible for re-engineering the Eco Direct models, over the last five years. He has an in-depth knowledge of the range and was on hand, from 9 am until after 8.30 pm. for the first four days of the initial build-up, regularly trekking between each department, in both centres, to check and maintain the equipment.
Despite the enormity of the event, the print equipment ran reliably and smoothly. PCL Direct had provided a supply of consumables, parts and a spare complete A3 MFP and A4 MFP, which were stored in a separate purpose-built room, just in case there was a major issue.
Turner highlighted his experience of the event. “Everyone was on a tight timetable, there were celebrities and VIPs moving around constantly and, during the first four days of the set-up, I was expected to manage my own time and schedule, which I’m used to. I was connected to the event managers, at all times, but they only contacted me to ask me to attend the occasional paper jam and I spent a bit of time with an American journalist, in the media centre, who wanted to print on US Letter format paper. Throughout the week, I only needed to replace one drum and one toner cartridge. These models are really impressive. Not only are they made of completely recycled materials, but they are really reliable.”
As the event entered its final stages, during the last three days of set-up, more people arrived and print volumes increased. This busy time was expected and coincided with the arrival of Directors Dave Higgott and Andrew Ellis, to lend their expertise and bolster manpower.
Dave Higgott, Technical Director of PCL Direct said; “Andrew and I set to work, immediately, to offer additional support to both Darren, and the multitude of departments relying on our devices. The machines performed exceptionally, with zero down time and excellent levels of reliability and productivity throughout but we had to be there to cover long distances quickly, if needed. It was an honour to be involved in the support environment of this enormous production and we are already exploring future opportunities like this”.