Podcast 14 – Remanufacturing, numbers and market changes

by | Jul 23, 2021 | 0 comments

Welcome to the last podcast in the current season, where we talk with Static Controls CEO, Ken Lalley who among the topics discussed, shared that the number of active remanufacturers in Europe and North America has been contracting by 8% a year for the last few years. Listen in and hear his perspective on the challenges and opportunities in the European and North American markets and Static’s first “speed dating” challenge. The Recyclers’ podcast is hosted by David Connett with resident guest Peter Mayhew and special guest Ken Lalley.

Remanufacturing – the number of active remanufacturers in Europe and North America has been contracting by 8% a year for the last few years. Listen in to find out more.

Hosted by The Recycler’s former Editor David Connett, he is joined by resident guest Lightwords Director Peter Mayhew and Static Controls CEO, Ken Lalley.

Podcast #14 is available to listen and download directly here.

We kick off the podcast with a look at how the market has changed over the last 18 months and what trends Static Control are seeing.

We hear about the challenges of shipping and parts with a forty-foot container now costing $16,000 from China to Europe [since recording the podcast we have heard prices as high as $23,000]

We discuss the OEM channels, the future of work, travel, trade shows, a look at trends going forward and a whole lot more.  Oh yes, make sure you listen in to the speed dating segment!

Laura Heywood, Kleenstrike (UK) Ltd commented on this episode: Our Company being a printer cartridge remanufacturer for the last 38 years have been through many changes and challenges in the Industry and the subject raised in the podcast of the VA and the threat to the remanufacturing Industry is real. We totally agree with Mr Lalley and Mr Connett that it is vital that legislation is the only way forward to – not only protect jobs in the UK as well as Europe- but to honour the trust we put into Government to support reuse uninhibited and to prevent the aggressive practices of the OEM’s preventing reuse. The remanufacturing of certain recently released toner cartridges placed on the market is an example of this – designing in anti-reuse features such as molding the cartridge sides together rather than screwed together as in the past – just to prevent its disassembly and remanufacturing. This not only goes against Article 4 of the WEEE Directive that a product (cartridge) must be designed to be reused but also the individual’s fundamental freedom of choice of what product they wish to use.

Podcast #14 is available to listen and download directly here, each episode reveals the secrets, stories and fascinating insights behind the latest news.  If you missed our previous episodes, then you’re in for a treat, because you can listen here.

This is the last podcast in the current season and we will be back at the beginning of September. If you would like to take part in an upcoming podcast, just email the news team at news@therecycler.com,  and we will take it from there.



Categories: World Focus

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