Refillable inkjet printer released by Samsung

by | Jul 4, 2018 | 0 comments

Copyright: Yonhapnews

The OEM has released a new Inkjet Plus printer with refillable ink tanks.

As Yonhapnews reports, Samsung Electronics Co. released the Samsung Inkjet Plus printer which features ink tanks that can be refilled “without replacing cartridges, allowing users to print paper at lower costs.”

Samsung said that “The Samsung Inkjet Plus is the first all-in-one Inkjet product to allow users to refill inks.”

Cost per coloured page is thought to only be 13 Won ($0.01/€0.01) because of the printer’s “large-sized tank”. Samsung said that, printed on paper, the ink will last 25 years, while on on photo paper it will last 75 years.

The OEM said that it sees this new model as “suitable for offices and schools which need to print large amounts of materials.”

The article goes on to say that “users can also check the remaining amount of inks visually, and the product also comes with a nozzle that prevents leaks.”

According to the article released by Yonhapnews the cost for the Samsung Inkjet Plus will be set at 219,000 Won ($196/€168) for the standard and the wireless model will be 249,000 Won ($223/€191).

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