Static Control opens Texan distribution centre

by | May 1, 2018 | 0 comments

Static Control, the largest manufacturer of aftermarket imaging systems and components, has announced the opening of a new distribution centre.

Located in Wilmer, Texas, 14 miles from downtown Dallas, the distribution centre is ideally located within a hub of Static Control customers. It brings one-day delivery to customers throughout Texas, Oklahoma and regions of Arkansas, Kansas and Louisiana.

“This new warehouse will help us continue to expand throughout the region. Our ability to deliver our high quality cartridges in one day was essential for growth,” said Bryan Bonacum, Vice President of North American Sales. “This is also a significant benefit to our existing customers in the area.”

Static Control has plans to add additional distribution locations in the U.S. before the end of the year.
“An important goal at Static Control is to make doing business with us as easy as possible. One way we are doing that is by increasing our service levels though faster delivery times,” said Bonacum. “We are steadily expanding our operations here in the U.S. and worldwide to provide the best service to our customers.”

Categories: World Focus

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