Canon requests more Amazon removals

Canon requests more Amazon removals

The OEM requests removal of toner cartridges offered by Handelsagentur Silhan GmbH from Amazon in Germany and by DTHXT from Amazon in Canada. Canon Inc. announced the filing of Report Infringement Forms with based on the alleged use of claims 1 and 2 of the...
Canon continues to defend its IP

Canon continues to defend its IP

The OEM announced the conclusion of its dispute with Inbusco GmbH and its managing director and more removal requests from Amazon in the US and UK. Canon Inc. and Inbusco GmbH as well as its managing director agreed to resolve their pending patent dispute by signing a...
Canon settles dispute, files more infringement forms

Canon settles dispute, files more infringement forms

The OEM announced conclusion of its dispute with Nixim Europe Ltd. and requested removals of toner cartridges offered by ShanXiBaiQuDianZiShangWuYouXianGongSi and YuLinShiHengShanQuQingLangWenTiYongPinXiaoShouZhon. from Amazon UK. Canon Inc. and Nixim Europe Ltd.,...
Canon continues to defend its IP

Canon continues to request Amazon removals

The OEM has reported on its latest requests for removals of certain cartridges offered by some resellers on Amazon in America and Canada. Canon Inc. announced the filing of an infringement report with seeking the removal of an listing for certain...