Amazon Alexa threatens big brands

Amazon Alexa threatens big brands

New data compiled by ad agency, Digitas, has revealed that 85 percent of consumers who searched for products using a voice assistant chose the default result rather than a specific brand. As BUSINESS INSIDER reveals, “brands need to start training people to voice...
Amazon teams up with FSB

Amazon teams up with FSB

The Recycler has discovered that the UK’s Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) has joined forces with Amazon and is promoting the online retailer’s Amazon for Business services to its members. Founded over 40 years ago, the Federation of Small Businesses is a business...
Canon asks Amazon to remove infringing items

Amazon gears up for Australian invasion

With three Amazon fulfilment centres being built in locations across the country, the online retailer is primed to “revolutionise the consumer journey”, as AdNews reports. The building of these new facilities will help enable Amazon “to have a significant impact on...
Amazon teams up with FSB

Amazon Japan investigated under antitrust laws

Amazon’s Japanese division is under investigation by Japan’s antitrust regulator, following allegations that it has been requesting a percentage of its vendors’ sales revenue. The Nikkei Asian Review reports that the online retail giant has been asking its vendors for...