Amazon publishes Brand Protection Report

Amazon publishes Brand Protection Report

Amazon released its third annual Brand Protection Report, highlighting how the company’s efforts to protect customers, brands, and selling partners from counterfeit products has resulted in more criminal referrals and industry partnerships than ever before. The...
Amazon and Brother sue counterfeit ring in Germany

Amazon and Brother sue counterfeit ring in Germany

Amazon and Brother announced legal action against 18 suspected members of a Germany-based counterfeiting ring. Amazon said in its announcement that the accused attempted to deceive customers by selling counterfeit toner cartridges marketed as genuine products. This...
Canon starts 2023 Amazon takedowns

Canon starts 2023 Amazon takedowns

The OEM requested the removal of toner cartridges from, including cartridges sold by IMAGE SHOP as Lemero brand. Canon Inc. announced the filing of infringement reports with seeking the removal of listings for certain toner cartridges....
Amazon helps bust counterfeiters in China

Amazon helps bust counterfeiters in China

Joint operations with law enforcement led to the seizure of more than 240,000 counterfeit items in China, including fake luxury products, sports apparel, and automotive accessories infringing on BMW, Hugo Boss, Lacoste, Under Armour, and other brands., Inc....