Deal on EU ban on products made with forced labour

Deal on EU ban on products made with forced labour

Early Tuesday, negotiators from Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement on new rules that ban products made with forced labour from the EU market. The new regulation would create a framework for enforcing this ban, including through investigations, new...
EU Council moves towards forced labour ban

EU Council moves towards forced labour ban

The EU Council adopts text for a crucial regulation banning products made with forced labour from the EU market. The EU Council has adopted text for a mandate for a regulation that prohibits products made with forced labour from the EU market. This regulation will aim...
EU set to ban greenwashing with legislation

EU set to ban greenwashing with legislation

The EU Parliament and Council have reached a provisional agreement on new rules to ban misleading advertisements and provide consumers with better product information. The agreement updates the existing EU list of banned commercial practices and adds to it several...