Beijing terminates trade talks

Beijing terminates trade talks

The tariff-based turmoil between China and the USA is intensifying this week, as both global superpowers impose fresh tariffs and Beijing reportedly calls off trade talks. As the Nikkei Asian Review reports, the fresh tariffs slapped on products by both sides in this...
Ninestar on the Kyocera “opportunity”

Ninestar on the Kyocera “opportunity”

The Chinese company has published a new blog on the OEM, which it describes as “one brand that is worthy of attention.” Ninestar states data from IDC, which reports shipments of more than 2 million Kyocera machines in 2017, which makes it the fourth biggest vendor,...
Beijing trades tariff blows with Trump

Beijing trades tariff blows with Trump

Just as forewarned, China has responded to Trump’s additional tariffs with its own hefty set of duties on $60 billion (€51.2 billion) worth of US products. As the South China Morning Post reveals, China has retaliated to new US tariffs by “announcing its own...
US jeopardising Chinese trade talks?

US jeopardising Chinese trade talks?

With the news that President Donald Trump has advised aides to go ahead with additional tariffs on Chinese products, the possibility of a trade war truce suddenly seems more remote. As Bloomberg reports, “the Chinese government is considering declining the offer of...