China okays Toshiba chip unit sale

China okays Toshiba chip unit sale

The OEM can breathe a sigh of relief as the long-awaited sale of its chip unit to a Bain Group-led consortium is approved by China. As The Register reports, the Chinese government has announced that it will not “stand in the way” of Toshiba’s sale to Bain Capital....
Ninestar invests in laser printer manufacturing

Ninestar invests in laser printer manufacturing

In response to the national ‘Made in China’ policy, Ninestar has revealed that it is embarking on the manufacture of high-end equipment for laser printers. According to Ninestar, the company will be investing a total of approximately CNY 9 billion ($1.4 billion/€1.1...
Rare-earth metals found in Japanese waters

Rare-earth metals found in Japanese waters

Centuries’ worth of these vital metals have been discovered by researchers, located in a 965sq mile stretch of Pacific Ocean seabed in Japanese waters, near the island of Minamitorishima. As CNBC reports, according to the study published by the researchers in Nature...
China okays Toshiba chip unit sale

Hurdles hit in Toshiba Memory sale

Toshiba’s efforts to sell Toshiba Memory to the Bain Capital-led consortium are being held up on antitrust grounds. According to the OEM, “certain conditions relating to required antitrust approvals” have yet to be met, despite the company originally hoping to close...