Wading in an ocean of plastic

Wading in an ocean of plastic

A new infographic from Clover Imaging Group reveals the disturbing truth about the amount of plastic which ends up in the world’s oceans. According to the infographic, a whopping 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans on an annual basis, creating “enough...
The grim facts behind plastic decomposition

The grim facts behind plastic decomposition

The latest CIG infographic on plastic waste reveals that almost every piece of plastic that has ever been created “still exists in some form or another”, except for the “tiny percentage” which has been incinerated. It then goes on to reveal how long it takes different...
CIG releases 2017 sustainability report

CIG releases 2017 sustainability report

The company has published its latest sustainability report for 2017 online, revealing a number of “significant achievements.” Explaining that sustainability “is integrated into the very fabric of Clover”, Clover Imaging Group has released its annual sustainability...