UKCRA on the campaign trail

UKCRA on the campaign trail

UKCRA keeps up the campaign pressure for wider cartridge reuse and sends position paper to the UK government and EU. UKCRA, the United Kingdom Cartridge Remanufacturers Association has made a strong case for wider reuse of cartridge consumables in response to the EU...
Investment to advance circular economy

Investment to advance circular economy

The REMADE Institute announced a $24 million (€21.75 million) investment for technology solutions to advance the circular economy. The REMADE Institute issued its third Request for Proposals (RFP) to develop transformational technologies to increase the recovery,...
ECS talks climate change

ECS talks climate change

Climate change is the latest trending topic being discussed all around the world. Effective Consumable Solutions (UK) Ltd (ECS) have their say on all things green and encourage industry change. The remanufacturer explained that there is an urgent need for climate...
Only ten years to circularity

Only ten years to circularity

New research from Gartner predicts that circular economies will replace linear economies in ten years and suggests that to remain competitive, supply chain leaders must shift from wasteful linear to circular models that reuse and renew. As consumer and shareholder...