Canon reviews Amazon takedown numbers

Canon reviews Amazon takedown numbers

The OEM has reported results of its third quarter removal request activity on Amazon in major markets. Canon Inc. announced that in about the third quarter of 2020, it has used the Amazon Reporting Tool and/or letters of inquiry to successfully remove 12 listings from...
More removal requests in Canada and UK

More removal requests in Canada and UK

Canon requested the removal of toner cartridges offered by Sprint Toner Cartridges from Amazon Canada and by FAIRWAY IMPORTERS LIMITED. from Amazon UK. Canon Inc. announced the filing of an infringement report with seeking the removal of an listing...
HP’s ACF bags more success in India

HP’s ACF bags more success in India

The OEM’s Anti Counterfeiting and Fraud (ACF) Programme for the EMEA announced it has seized counterfeit supplies worth $6 million (€5.08 million) within nine months. Only last month, HP reported on its anti-counterfeiting efforts in Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia,...
Canon continues with removal requests

Canon continues with removal requests

The OEM requested the removal of toner cartridges offered by Toner Bee from Amazon Australia, by PXYUS from Amazon Canada and by Buyur from Amazon UK. Canon Inc. announced that it filed a Report Infringement Form with based on the alleged infringement of...