More removal requests from Canon

More removal requests from Canon

Canon requested the removal of toner cartridges offered by FELIXMANIA S.L from Amazon Spain, by XIANSHIBEILINQUJINGLINGBAIHUODIAN via various European Amazon sites and by HBOYY from Amazon Canada. Canon Inc. announced the filing of Report Infringement Forms with...
More removal requests from Canon

Canon continues with removals on Amazon

The OEM requested the removal of toner cartridges offered by Litpol Ltd from Amazon Spain, by XIANSHIBEILINQUHUAHUAHUASHANGMAOBU via Amazon Germany, UK, Italy and Spain and by NES Printer Supplies & Services from Amazon Australia. Canon Inc. announced the filing...
Canon annoucnes more Amazon removals

Canon annoucnes more Amazon removals

The OEM issued announcements on 24 December about more Amazon removal requests in Germany, UK, Italy, Spain and The Netherlands. Canon Inc. announced that it filed Report Infringement Forms with,, and based on the alleged use...
HP seizes 54,000 counterfeit goods

HP seizes 54,000 counterfeit goods

The OEM has been talking about its successful raids and actions across Europe, Middle East and Africa in the last five years. According to a report by Naja247News HP’s Global Anti-Counterfeit Programme Director, Glenn Jones spoke in Lagos about its recent successes in...
Canon annoucnes more Amazon removals

Canon continues with Amazon removals

The OEM requested removals of toner cartridges offered by Mal-ll from Amazon Canada, by AMTONER from Amazon USA and by xianshi yanliangqu canqiubaihuodianshanghang via Amazon Italy, Germany, UK and Spain. Canon Inc. announced the filing of an infringement report...