Nicnas reveals draft report on DecaBDE

Nicnas reveals draft report on DecaBDE

A 104-page draft of a risk assessment report has been unveiled by Australia’s national chemicals agency, Nicnas, regarding the importing, usage and effects of flame retardant chemical DecaBDE. As Chemical Watch reports, DecaBDE is currently listed as a priority...
Taiwan introduces DecaBDE controls

Taiwan introduces DecaBDE controls

The island nation’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has added the brominated flame retardant to its Toxic Chemicals Substance list, after initially proposing the addition in November. According to Chemical Watch, DecaBDE, which has been found in the casings of...
New DecaBDE threshold “too high”

New DecaBDE threshold “too high”

A range of NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) have complained that the new concentration limit for toxic flame retardants such as DecaBDE is still too high, calling it a “permission slip to contaminate.” Only last month, the European Council reached a provisional...
DecaBDE: EU toughens pollutant rules

DecaBDE: EU toughens pollutant rules

The European Union has unveiled a new provisional agreement to toughen rules on persistent organic pollutants (POPs), which it terms “the most lasting and polluting chemicals.” The Romanian presidency of the European Council reached a provisional agreement with the...
DecaBDE: Static CEO Lalley speaks out

DecaBDE: Static CEO Lalley speaks out

Ken Lalley, CEO of Static Control Components, has spoken to The Recycler about the ongoing DecaBDE scandal, which has seen illegal levels of the prohibited substance found in multiple companies’ cartridge casings. Recycler: When was the issue first raised and what...