Officeworks raises money for charities

Officeworks raises money for charities

This year’s Officeworks Make a Difference Appeal has raised more than AU$830,000 ($541,011/ €501,630) for 16 charity groups across Australia. Since the annual appeal first launched in 2018, Officeworks team members together with the continued support from generous...
Wisetek UK donates IT equipment

Wisetek UK donates IT equipment

The initiative is supported by Google, the Governor of Bangkok, and the American Chamber. Wisetek has committed to donating IT equipment to the Sustainable Digital Classroom, an initiative supported by Google, the Governor of Bangkok, and the American Chamber. The...
Brother makes additional donation to UNHCR

Brother makes additional donation to UNHCR

Brother announced an additional donation for the Ukraine crisis and Turkey-Syria earthquake relief. Brother Industries, Ltd. announced that it will donate an additional ¥35 million ($265,097/ €244,800) to UNHCR, the UN refugee agency via Japan for UNHCR, a national...