G&G talks environmental compliance

G&G talks environmental compliance

Today’s consumers are highly aware of how their choices are impacting the world around them so for any brand it is important to be environmentally complaint. Consumers are demanding more environmentally friendly products and governments are pushing hard for stricter...
Reusing IT – Measure the benefits

Reusing IT – Measure the benefits

Inrego and IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute are publishing a new database model to measure the environmental savings of reusing IT. The model is open and free to use for the entire IT reuse industry and anyone who is interested in measuring the...
Ricoh launches 14th annual Eco Action Day

Ricoh launches 14th annual Eco Action Day

The company pledges to tackle key sustainability issues in the areas of energy use, climate action, and responsible consumption. Ricoh Asia Pacific launched its 14th annual Eco Action Day campaign. Scheduled to run from 1 April to 5 June 2020, this year’s campaign...
Konica Minolta wins award for CSR report

Konica Minolta wins award for CSR report

The company received an environmental award for its CSR report 2019. Konica Minolta, Inc. has been selected as a winner of the Grand Prize for Environmental Report (Minister of the Environment Award) in the 23rd Environmental Communication Awards hosted jointly by the...
RoHS changes in Russia

RoHS changes in Russia

Effective 1 March 2020, stricter controls on a large number of product groups including telecommunications equipment and computers, printers and consumables and similar devices are being made compulsory. Importers will need to obtain an EAC label for market approval...