The oily truth behind plastic production

The oily truth behind plastic production

The latest in CIG’s series of infographics regarding plastic pollution reveals the dark truth behind what plastic is made of. As the infographic explains, plastic is made using oil, with the plastics industry utilising roughly 8 percent of the total amount of oil...
Green printing: Cartridge World advises

Green printing: Cartridge World advises

Cartridge World has published a new blog asking if you are a ‘green printer’, and offering recommendations on how to reduce your paper waste. According to the blog, 50 percent of business waste is made up of paper, with the average American using 700 pounds of...
Business waste detrimental to the environment

Business waste detrimental to the environment

According to Kit Out My Office, office employees are unwittingly destroying the environment through overuse of paper. Recent figures show that approximately 50 percent of business waste is composed of paper. With 93 percent of that paper coming from trees, Kit Out My...
CIG reveals alarming plastic production stats

CIG reveals alarming plastic production stats

Clover Imaging Group has released an infographic highlighting the worrying figures behind plastic production. The infographic reveals that 8.3 billion tonnes of plastic have been produced to date, on a global basis. This amount of plastic could cover an area the size...
Innotec awarded new ISO certifications

Innotec awarded new ISO certifications

  The French remanufacturer has announced that it has obtained the ISO 9001 and 14001 2015 versions. The company explained: “ISO 9001 certification is a true guarantee of quality. This 2015 version marks a considerable change: The link must now be made between...